GMA News declares: "Ancient legged fish provides missing link in limb evolution" (See Ancient legged fish provides missing link in limb evolution). For a while now, evolutionists claim that a fish evolved into a land-dwelling tetrapod. But how did they acquire this ability to walk?
Here's the evolutionary theory in a nutshell:
- A fish crawls onto land
- Realizing that it can't breathe air, it goes back into the water
- Some time later, the fish tries the same thing
- The same result happens
- The process repeats for millions of years until lungs and fins develop
You see, the evolutionary process can only give one trait at a time. Any more than that would be punctuated equilibrium, or the belief that evolution happens in sudden jumps in traits. But evolution in that sense is mathematically impossible!
A more rational explanation to the origin of land-dwelling animals is an intelligent design. A supernatural Creator must have created land-dwellers with both lungs and legs, at the same time.
Furthermore, the fossil's legs could've been used underwater, not necessarily for walking on land. Fish such as rosy-lipped batfish do this. Neil Shubin, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago even said:
The people who discovered the new "missing link" aren't even consistent with their views on their "treasure".
Tune in tomorrow for my next blog!
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